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Boys’ Latin Art Club Helps Chesapeake Bay Foundation with Impressive Design

Boys’ Latin Art Club Helps Chesapeake Bay Foundation with Impressive Design

Recently, Cross Keys sponsored Gifting Back to Baltimore, a holiday event designed to benefit local nonprofit organizations by partnering them with eight area schools. Each participating school created a 3'x '3' x3' box celebrating Baltimore, which was displayed at Cross Keys from November 20 to December 31 of last year. The community was invited to visit Cross Keys to view the boxes and to vote for their favorite. Cross Keys would then make a donation to the top three winners’ nonprofit partners.

Boys’ Latin’s upper school art club selected the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Under the guidance of art teacher Amy Digges, club members Tyler Slowikowski '25, Ari Burdman '27, Harry Connelly '26, Lincoln Wolff '27, Davis Smith '27, and Robert Locke '25 channeled hard work and creativity into a box celebrating their city. Alive with images from the Orioles to Domino Sugar and the Ravens to Fort McHenry, their box portrayed Baltimore’s vibrant heritage and culture. 

Winners were announced at an evening event on January 21, with the Lakers’ box taking third place and earning a $1000 donation to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. 

(the below shows all sides of the box)